Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The last post was such a rambler. Sorry guys. Haha.

I think we're going to settle in here just fine. Sure, it's a bit quiet here, because the people downstairs are like super relaxed and calm, unlike my adorably cantankerous aunt. (I hope she never finds out I said that.)
But then, it's only been a couple of days. We're only just turning this house into a home.

Speaking of which, I'm getting my first dose of homemaking. Every morning, I get up and I do all this random cleaning and assist my mom in all these chores. Just because I want to. It's so retarded. Till now, I have always loathed cleaning with a passion.

It's just the two of us in the morning, because Dad and my brother go off to their respective office and university. We play songs on our portable speaker and joke around. Mother-daughter bonding time. I love it. Especially because my mom's my best friend. She's so cute! She keeps getting these advertisement messages from her bank and then she grits her teeth and fluffs around like an irritated pigeon.

It echoes a lot in here, though. It can be pretty cool and pretty annoying at the same time. Cool, because my voice sounds amazing when I sing. Annoying because the walls have ears.

Yesterday, when I went out on the terrace, I noticed a newspaper lying there. I thought it must belong to the people who live downstairs, because we haven't arranged for a newspaper yet.

But today, Mom went out on the terrace, and there it was. Another roll of the daily paper.
We opened it, and we saw that the paper boy had scrawled his name and number on it, so that we could get in touch with him and coordinate the fee and everything.

It's kinda stupid, but I thought that was very sweet. I instantly felt welcomed into the new neighborhood.

So, yeah. A paper boy made me feel better about shifting. Why do the most insignificant people have the most significant effect on my life? First the flower man*, now this.

Anyway. I found this in my laptop. From back in the old house. It's me, singing.

PS Sorry about the kinda weird ending. This song always makes me really emotional.

*Will update about the flower man later.

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